When Do You Need an Operating Agreement

When Do You Need an Operating Agreement?

If you are starting a business, you may be wondering if you need an operating agreement. The short answer is yes, you do. An operating agreement is a legal document that outlines the rules and procedures for running a business. It is like a roadmap that can help guide your business decisions, protect your assets, and avoid potential disputes. In this article, we`ll discuss when you need an operating agreement and why it`s so important.

When Do You Need an Operating Agreement?

The answer is simple: you need an operating agreement as soon as you start a business with one or more people. This applies to all types of businesses, whether it`s a limited liability company (LLC), partnership, or corporation.

An operating agreement is not a legal requirement in most states, and you can legally operate without one. However, operating without an agreement puts your business at risk. Without an operating agreement, the laws that govern your business will be the default rules established by the state. These rules may not be the best fit for your business, and they often fail to address specific issues unique to your business.

Why Do You Need an Operating Agreement?

Here are five reasons why you need an operating agreement:

1. Protection of Assets

An operating agreement can help protect your personal and business assets. It can help establish clear lines between personal and business finances, which can prevent personal liability for business debts.

2. Protect Your Business in Disputes

The operating agreement can also protect your business in disputes. It sets rules for resolving conflicts between owners and can provide a clear path of action in case of a dispute.

3. Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities

An operating agreement can help define the roles and responsibilities of each owner in the business. This helps create accountability and avoids misunderstandings.

4. Plan for Succession

An operating agreement can also help plan for succession in the event of an owner`s death, disability, or retirement. This can help ensure a smooth transition of ownership and prevent chaos in the event of a sudden departure.

5. Better Business Decision-Making

Finally, an operating agreement can help with better business decision-making by setting clear guidelines for decision-making. This can help avoid uncertainty and confusion, making it easier to operate and grow your business.


An operating agreement is a critical legal document that outlines the rules and procedures for running a business. It is recommended to have an operating agreement in place as soon as you start a business with one or more people. It can help protect your personal and business assets, protect your business in disputes, define roles and responsibilities, plan for succession, and facilitate better decision-making. Contact a lawyer today to draft an operating agreement that`s tailored to your unique business needs.

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